Uncomfortable Friend
Grief is an Uncomfortable Friend. The pain can be unbearable and yet, it's often one of the few things remain after the loss of someone so special. Join me on the journey of "now what" after everything falls apart. My mission is to authentically share my story in an effort to help others feel seen, develop vocabulary around their grief, discuss finding oneself after loss, ways to feel comfort, how to establish meaning, find hope, embrace continued connection, and more. Nothing is off-limits… everyone’s path is unique. I’m honored to have you join me and look forward to your questions, comments, personal stories, and observations. Until we meet again...
Uncomfortable Friend
Joy vs. Happiness
There are several definitions of Joy and Happiness all over the internet, and I for one cannot tell you that I definitely know which is which... but I can share my current understanding of the two, and work through processing what those differences are. Through today's insights, I stumble my way through explaining how Lincoln has opened me up to the concept of joy, and how responsibility and freedom play a big role. I also challenge you to think about if you are loving like you ought, speaking like you ought, and living like you ought (notice I removed the "shoulds"), as I feel these few reflections can lead you down a more meaningful path to choose joy... regardless of the weight of the responsibility.
Until we meet again <3