Uncomfortable Friend
Grief is an Uncomfortable Friend. The pain can be unbearable and yet, it's often one of the few things remain after the loss of someone so special. Join me on the journey of "now what" after everything falls apart. My mission is to authentically share my story in an effort to help others feel seen, develop vocabulary around their grief, discuss finding oneself after loss, ways to feel comfort, how to establish meaning, find hope, embrace continued connection, and more. Nothing is off-limits… everyone’s path is unique. I’m honored to have you join me and look forward to your questions, comments, personal stories, and observations. Until we meet again...
75 episodes
The Art of Saying Sorry
I experience conflict on a very regular basis, most of it through the decisions I am asked to make at work, but often through the differences in communication with those I work with, care for, and love. Today I took time to sit down and write o...
Season 3
Episode 3

Turning 40
Just over a week ago, I turned 40! In the west, woman are sometimes made to feel like we are over the hill or used up by now... but I'm feeling quite the opposite. 40 has felt refreshing, and today, I spend my time answering 10 reflective and p...
Season 3
Episode 2

2025: The Year of Joy
Hey Friends... Thankful to be back for another season of Uncomfortable Friend. Each year since Lincoln died, I've started looking at a word of the year instead of a resolution. For me, 2025 will be about Joy. We can certainly use more of it, AN...
Season 3
Episode 1

Suffering Well
During mass this weekend, Fr. Bryan had a moving homily around suffering... how life is full of it, and yet, we can find ways to suffer well. Suffering well doesn't mean that we suffer less... it means suffering with purpose, dignity, and aware...
Season 2
Episode 22

I'm Not Ready Yet...
About a week ago I had an anaphylactic reaction to a wasp sting... something that hasn't happened to me in almost 30 years. I worked hard to focus on the next right steps until I could get the help I needed, AND it became this beautiful reminde...
Season 2
Episode 21

It's OK to not be OK...
We're currently going through some challenges as a company during my day job, and during a leadership meeting today, advice was given about being and modeling strong leadership and what our people need right now... and frankly, that just made m...
Season 2
Episode 20

Life is in the Transitions - Book Review
Bruce Feiler writes and speaks about how we are no longer in a space where life is linear... in fact, it probably has never truly been that way, yet we in the west believe it's the way things "should" be. After reading his work, "Life is in the...
Season 2
Episode 19

Give Yourself Some Grace
Life has been getting away from me a bit these last few months. Between starting a new role at work, getting my daughter ready for kindergarten, after school activities, and my parents coming to visit, I just haven't had the time. I'm sure you ...
Season 2
Episode 18

Joy vs. Happiness
There are several definitions of Joy and Happiness all over the internet, and I for one cannot tell you that I definitely know which is which... but I can share my current understanding of the two, and work through processing what those differe...
Season 2
Episode 17

Life Didn't Go As Planned, But That's OK with Rebecca Hawkins
Like many of us, growing up, Rebecca had a script in her head of how her life should go. After adopting her children, her husband gave her an ultimatum that shattered her expectations. Today, she bravely shares some of her challenges a...
Season 2
Episode 16

Love vs. Fear - Frozen Edition
Way back in Season 1, Episode 28 I discussed the difference between Love and Fear. Today, I honor that but do it Disney Frozen style. I talk about the characters, how they show up in both the positive and negative masculine/feminine energy, and...
Season 2
Episode 15

Living "to the max" while surrounded by grief with Emily Kelly-Peterson
Emily Kelly-Peterson was surrounded by grief at a very young age. After years of witnessing friends, and even her own father, pass away, she started searching for answers and stumbled upon permission to "...live to the max." Please join us in o...
Season 2
Episode 14

Love at Work
Today I have a very short episode, but one that is extremely meaningful to me. I'm experimenting with what love looks like in the workplace, and how to be more intentional about where I put that energy. Through my thoughts around boundaries, hu...
Season 2
Episode 13

Grief and Joy of Empty Nesting with Roger Kastner
I had the honor of meeting Roger toward the end of 2023, and have been blessed to be on his podcast, "What Do You Know To Be True?". Today, he honors me with his presence as we talk about both th...

Wisdom of a Trusted Friend
We've all been there - in the heat of an argument or frustrating situation where our emotions start taking over. The adrenaline is pumping, harsh words are flying, and it feels like things are rapidly spiraling out of control.In this epi...
Season 2
Episode 11

Walking Through the Wilderness with Patricia Burgin
Speaking with Patty has left a lasting impression on me. Throughout our conversation and her journey, she’s shared two amazing quote that ring true to me… first "The most important thing is what you do next," and "through grief I learned how bi...
Season 2
Episode 10

Generational Trauma: 7 Sneaky Ways it Can Emerge
Let's dive right into the complex topic of generational trauma - the emotional and psychological wounds that can be passed down through families over generations. I talk today about 7 basic ways that trauma forms over the course of our childhoo...
Season 2
Episode 9

Legacy of Love: Healing and Navigating Life with Emily Graham
In this deeply moving episode, I sit down with Emily Graham, an author, speaker, grief coach, and fellow bereaved mother, to explore the profound journey of grief and healing. Emily opens up about her beautiful son, Cameron, and the lasting imp...
Season 2
Episode 8

The Epic Power of Grace
Grace is the disposition of offering kindness or compassion to yourself or someone else, ESPECIALLY when it's undeserved. Let that sink in for a minute! Today I delve into the profound concept of grace and its transformative power. Through pers...
Season 2
Episode 7

Struggles in Corporate America - A Story of Grief and Triumph
Ted opens up about his experience navigating the corporate landscape, sharing the grief he felt when his unique skills were overlooked. He takes us through the challenges of finding his place in corporate America, shedding light on the transfor...
Season 2
Episode 6

Embracing Positive Energies in Marriage
Lately I have been seeing and reading a lot of content around what positive masculine and positive feminine energy looks like. For too long we've seen the shadow sides of this energy play out in our communities and in politics. While I can't in...
Season 2
Episode 5

Navigating Workplace Grief, Identity, and Growth with Coach Karen
Today I engage in a profound conversation with Coach Karen, delving into the multifaceted aspects of grief, identity struggles, and the nuanced dynamics of personal and professional growth within the workplace. Karen shares her experiences witn...
Season 2
Episode 4

Do The Work - Trust The Process
When will this feel better? What does the work of grieving look like? If you've ever asked yourself these questions, I invite you to join me today as delve into the profound and often challenging journey of grief. Today I discuss the importance...
Season 2
Episode 3

Navigating Grief, Hope, and Infertility: A Mother's Journey with Courtney
I'm so incredibly honored to introduce you to my friend, Courtney, and her beautiful light of a son, Lucas. This week we sit down with this resilient mama of four as she shares the heart-wrenching experience of navigating grief while also holdi...
Season 2
Episode 2

The Lies We Tell Ourselves
"It's my fault!", "I should have known this would happen", "I need to stay strong for..." do any of these statements sound familiar? I've recently read a book that opened my eyes to some deeply packed down trauma and the lies I've been telling ...
Season 2
Episode 1